


Your Worldview Called, It Wants Its Spotlight Back

by Lidia Chmel // in Fundamentals of Coaching Biz // Reading time  minutes

Finally, I am starting a newsletter. As you can guess from the name, I will be sending it every Sunday (time to be determined).

One of the main goals of this newsletter is to support my Worldview.

What is the Worldview, and why one must have it

Simon Senek's 2009 TedTalk, “Start with Why,” had 11 million views and made him pretty famous.

The key idea was simple: he argued that people and organizations who communicated their whys were way more successful than those who didn’t.

Simple concept, right?

Yet, ask ten coaches their why–preferably condensed to one sentence–I bet very few would give you an immediate answer. Or look at their social media profiles, their websites, and sales pages. Do you see their why?

I am as guilty of this as any other coach.

But I am changing that today (this week).

And I hope you do, too.

We are actually going to use a term coined by another great creator - Jeff Goins.

He calls it a Worldview.

A worldview is your opinion of the world that motivates you to do what you do–your coaching. It’s a paradigm. A perspective that is unique to you.

If we believe Simon and Jeff, and I do believe them, having a worldview articulated will help you to:

  • get attention and sell with ease
  • attract the right kind of clients, partners, and employees
  • keep going when things get hard and prevent burnout

Those are pretty good reasons to do the damn thing. If you agree, here's how you do that.

How to find your Worldview

Jeff suggests that you ask yourself this question:

What upsets you in the world, in the industry, in your family...?

It can be grand or small in scale. It can sound kinda silly. Doesn’t matter. Write it up with the following mad lib:

Every [blank] can/should [blank]

Here‘s my worldview:

Every coach should be able to build authentic and fininacially sustainable coaching businesses

If you happen to be a passionate individual, you'd have a few of those. Well, just choose the one that is related to your current coaching niche.

It will not come out right the first time. Mine is not perfect; it's just version one. So what? You will need to keep thinking about it and tweak it until it feels just right.

Until that date, start with what you have and share it:

  • in your social media profile
  • on your webpage and sales pages
  • in your content and discovery calls

See the reaction. See if it resonates with people.

And remember, the worldview is just the beginning. It will need to be supported by your origin story, manifesto, your content, and so much more. But I think it's a great foundation for an authentic business and such an elegant way to start any conversation with what matters.

Aren’t we just in it for money

I hate to break it to you, but “I am doing it for a quick buck” won’t cut it. If your sole goal is just to earn money, coaching is the wrong path.

Drop it.

Drop it now, before it’s too late.

Money is important. That’s why it’s in my worldview. I want coaches to be able to support themselves and their families financially and not worry about money. The reason this is my worldview is that I was shocked to see that only 0.02% of coaches earn $100k or more. And 80% of coaches give up by the end of year three.

However, what my ten years of coaching and business experience have taught me is that building a coaching business is anything but quick and easy. Unless you have a strong why (a worldview) and you are not just doing it for money, it is damn hard to build, grow, and sustain it.

Actions for this week:

  • Create your version one worldview statement
  • Start sharing it with the world via social media, your blog, your content

That’s it, folks.

Please let me know what you think:

Was it useful?

Did you enjoy the format?

What’s your worldview?

I’d love to hear it. Post it in the comments for others to see, or send it to me via direct message here on LinkedIn.

See you next Sunday.


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